Who are the ones being indoctrinated?

The Parents of the kids?

I’ve attended enough counter-protest to anti-trans and anti-SOGI123 demonstrations and rallies over the years, and I’ve heard some pretty outrageous things.

Back in 2014, outside the Vancouver School Board, as people waited to attend what can only be described as a heated debacle of misinformation and falsehoods about the school board's proposed revisions to their inclusivity policy, a new Canadian parent who had a lanyard identifying her as an organizer of the demonstration, said this to me when I asked her, “do you personally know anyone who is transgender or have you ever spoken to one?” Little did she realize she was speaking to one; she responded, “I don’t need to know any transgender person! Schools are for education, not indoctrination. I don’t want my children to be made transgender!”

Who indoctrinated her? I wondered.

It’s completely unfounded to fear that teaching children about sexual identity and gender expression will make them gay or want to become transgender. It’s as absurd as worrying that learning about different ethnicities will make a child want to change theirs. People don’t simply decide to be gay, trans, or non-binary on a whim, as if it’s a lifestyle choice. These are deeply personal realities and struggles that individuals come to terms with, often in the face of significant challenges, including discrimination. No one chooses to face bigotry or become a social minority. Education about diversity isn’t about encouraging anyone to change; it’s about fostering understanding and respect for the richness of human experiences.

Here are the top six themes believed and pushed by the anti-SOGI-123 and anti-LGBTQ+ camps.

1. Fear of "Gender Indoctrination,” as per my story above:
  • False Claim: "They are teaching kids that they can change their gender whenever they want!"
  • ACT: SOGI-123 simply teaches kids that some people experience gender differently. It’s about understanding, not encouraging anyone to change who they are.
2. Comparisons to Child Abuse:
  • False Claim: "This is psychological abuse of our children. They are brainwashing innocent minds!"
  • FACT: Educating children about diversity isn't brainwashing; it's teaching them to respect others who may be different, which is an important life skill.
3. Claims About Sexualization of Children:
  • False Claim: "They are sexualizing kids at a young age by teaching them about things they don’t need to know!"
  • FACT: SOGI-123 focuses on respect, inclusion, and kindness. It doesn't sexualize children; it helps them understand that everyone deserves to feel safe and accepted.
4. Comparisons to Totalitarian Regimes:
  • False Claim: "This is like living under a communist regime where the government controls what your kids believe."
  • FACT: SOGI-123 isn't about control—it's about ensuring all students, including those who are LGBTQ+, feel safe and included at school. It's about respect, not ideology.
5. Conspiracy Theories:
  • False Claim: "This is part of a global LGBTQ+ agenda to destroy traditional families!"
  • FACT: SOGI-123 doesn't challenge traditional families. It teaches that all families deserve respect and dignity, regardless of their makeup.
6. Claims of Medical Harm:
  • False Claim: "They are telling kids they can go get surgery to change their gender without parents even knowing."
  • FACT: SOGI-123 doesn’t promote surgeries or medical decisions. It’s focused on creating safe, inclusive environments where kids learn that it's okay to be themselves.
It’s always best to be informed before jumping to conclusions. Anyone can access the SOGI-123 Parent Resources being used in schools. Go to this link. 

Here are some final thoughts: 

I've often heard people claim there’s a “contagion effect”—that when one child comes out as trans or non-binary, others follow as if it's some trend. But in reality, nobody in their right mind would willingly choose to come out, knowing they face the real possibility of being ostracized, bullied, discriminated against, or even physically harmed. To suggest that children are being "recruited" into being LGBTQ+ because they’ve learned about gender and sexual diversity in school is not only absurd, but it also dismisses the very real struggles these individuals face daily.

The idea that someone would choose to take on the burden of being part of a marginalized community simply because they were taught to respect diversity is deeply flawed. What SOGI-123 does is create a safer, more understanding environment for those already grappling with these personal realities—not convince anyone to “join” a group that endures so many challenges.

When parents insist that only they should teach their children about sex and gender at home, what they often pass on are personal biases and restrictive cultural views. Schools should be places where children learn respect, understanding, and the dignity of all people—because that prepares them for the real world, not narrow, fear-driven perspectives.


If you still doubt the importance of SOGI-123, perhaps this recent news story will help you appreciate how it makes schools safer for all students. 



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