
For those who find themselves numbed by Christmas

How “Breaking the Silence” Silenced All the Children Who’ve Done Well

Beyond Church Walls

1 Million Voices for Inclusion offers a snapshot of what inclusion looks like in Canada

Gender-affirming care should not be exclusive to cisgender individuals; trans people deserve equal access.

The American-MAGA-GOP-Religious-Conservative-Like Anti-Trans Bullshit Has Been Simmering in Canada.

Understanding and Supporting Trans People

Bridging Differences:

Exposing the GOP’s Anti-Trans Crazy Talk with a bit of reductio ad absurdum

America, The Sick Land of Thoughts and Prayers

Tucker Carlson is a *#$@*!!! and downright mean

Trans in the Cross Hairs


Me too. But some of you already knew that.

“Oh, I’ve heard about that happening.”

My thoughts after 10 years as Lisa.

“You can ride on my lap.”