
Homosexuality & Christianity: Interview with Kathy Baldock

Drew Marshall Show — Round Table Discussion: "LGBTs & The Church"

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Gender Identity is Not a “Behavior” Needing Repentance

Someone Asked If I Have Had a God Moment.

At What Point Does One Throw In The Towel?

Your Cisgender* Privilege Does Not Entitle You to Heartless Ignorance

What Am I Going to Do Now?

The Acceptance Meter: How well are trans persons accepted?

Has this ever happened to you, that you're surprised by comes out of your head?

Do I really look and sound like that?

Am I happy? Yes, but I'm also full of rage.

Behind the scenes of "Ask a transgender Christian"

“Dear Sir”

Arrested and tortured for being transgender, a Ugandan government worker gets asylum in U.S.